I am so far behind with updating this blog with so many of the things we've had going on the last few weeks (meeting with the Norris', Thanksgiving, Mikias' birthday party, etc.), but I definitely wanted to make a point of wishing our little boy a Happy Birthday. It's so amazing to think that we posted a
1/2 Birthday message on here just six months ago...and we hadn't even met Mikias yet!! What an unbelievable 1st year this has been for Mikias. It's hard not to think of what he was doing and who he was with one year ago during the first hours of his life. We feel so blessed to now be his parents.
We celebrated a little bit tonight with Mikias...and as you can see from the videos and picture he celebrated a lot!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG GUY! Your cousin Sarah has been singing happy birthday to you all week. "Happy Birthday to Kias, next is Sarah, and then Baby Jesus"...is what she has been saying.
So happy to have you in our lives, we are looking forward to seeing you grow in your next year of life.
Aunt Caroline
Papa and I got a kick out of seeing your little birthday video. Also can't wait to share the next year with you. You have had quite a first year.
Love you this----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------much.
Papa and Grandma K
Happy Birthday! Sorry we missed the party last weekend! We love the videos! Does he EVER cry?
Abby,Rich, and Alayna
Happy Birthday, Mikias!
(Seth loves watching the videos, too...giggles all the way through them)
Happy Birthday Mikias!! He is sooo cute!!
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
How sweet is he? Oh my dear he's cute in that pumpkin patch! I just stumbled across your blog through my friend Jamie M. Can't wait to follow your journey.
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